4 Tips for Heavy Equipment Maintenance

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Maintaining heavy equipment can be a challenge. There are various tasks to complete in order to keep your machines in good condition. Amtiss SaaS helps you standardize the process and helps you track your maintenance schedule! A standardized process is highly beneficial to ensure the machinery is being maintained in the right manner. 

The 4 tips below can aid with different aspects of your maintenance process.

Implement a preventative maintenance plan

Preventive maintenance isn’t only regular lubricating and oil changes, it is also maintaining the machine with scheduled breakdowns and replacing spare parts. Thus, implementing a preventative maintenance plan can help reduce maintenance costs. A reduction of maintenance costs can come from prior and bulk purchases of spare parts. Scheduled breakdowns improve system reliability and decrease unexpected breakdowns which can be very costly. Regular inspections and replacement of spare parts should be done in order to keep the machine working at maximum efficiency and productivity levels to ensure no time is wasted on site during working hours.

Identify major causes of machinery breakdown

Identifying potential causes of machinery breakdown can save the company tons of money. By knowing how the machine may breakdown, the company can implement measures to prevent such occurances. The three types of machine failure are: sudden failure, intermittent failure and gradual failure. Usually, these failures can be prevented through proper preventive maintenance since most of the causes are: thermally induced, mechanically induced or is an erratic failure. The first two are easy to recognize, unlike the latter one. However, all three are easily preventable through diagnostic tests, analysis and proper, in-depth maintenance.

Start shifts with a checklist

Starting shifts with checklists can help keep the maintenance process intact and standardized. All machines can be cleaned, lubricated and checked for additional issues that may require extra support from the maintenance department. Keeping track of these things can be beneficial to the machines in the long run since they are tested against a checklist every day and staff can immediately take note of when maintenance (ie. spare part changes) are required. Ultimately, this leads to less unexpected breakdowns and can save the company from incurring extra costs.

Do not overwork machinery

Machines should not be overworked so it stays effective and efficient. Keeping to the weight limit, correct temperature and ensuring the machine is working in the right conditions can prevent from spoiling the machine and its components. As a result, the machine will be cheaper to maintain and will still be able to work effectively throughout its lifespan. Furthermore, minimizing travel and idle time can increase the lifespan of the machine. 

All in all, to ease the maintenance process, subscribe to Amtiss SaaS now! Our software helps you track your maintenance schedule and prepare for scheduled breakdowns. Thus, instead of manually updating all this information, subscribe to Amtiss SaaS. Get your FREE trial for first 10 Assets by Register Now!

Article by : Kareen Nanwani

Source : Six Tips for Maintaining Heavy Equipment by Bryan Christiansen, Improve ROI and Extend Equipment Life with Ongoing Maintenance Processes mcallister.com, 5 Maintenance Tips for Heavy Machinery by Barton Henderson, and Overview of Condition Based Monitoring (CBM) at Inspectioneering.com.