Initially established in 1999 under the name of Ruky & Rekan as the first public appraisal partnership in Indonesia. In 2001, Ruky & Rekan expanded and became Ruky, Sridhar, & Rekan (RSR). It also became affiliated with Truscel Capital, an international corporate finance house that provides comprehensive corporate finance advisory services from its main offices in Jakarta and Singapore. With this affiliation, the valuation services from RSR became part of Truscel Capital’s financial advisory services.
By issuing Regulation no. 125/PMK.01/2008, the Indonesian Finance Ministry mandates every public appraiser to solely provide appraisal and valuation-related services. Thus, Ruky and Safrudin separated from Truscel Capital, and created Ruky, Safrudin & Rekan. We are currently a registered public valuer that focuses on comprehensive and independent appraisal services.
RSR positions itself as a user-recommended appraiser. Our company’s philosophy and policy is reflected on the word RECOMMEND that derives from:
REliable (we provide a sound SOP for valuation)
COMpetence (we have highly capable staffs)
Mull (we consider and put our clients’ needs first)
ENDeavour (we work hard to achieve the best results)
With more than 10 years of business appraisal experience in Indonesia, and our active involvement in the capital market, we have become the leading and the recommended business valuer in the country. Our staff have wide experience and are highly capable in handling valuation assignments that relate to corporate transactions and financial reporting purposes.
Customers’ satisfaction is our mission, and our main principle is to provide the best services to our clients’ needs. In order to provide credible and accountable opinions, we implement a strict quality control in every step of each assignment. The quality control process has been preapproved and accepted by BAPEPAM-LK.