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sistem maintenance alat berat

Solusi Maintenance Alat Berat Anda Sudah Tepat?

1024 645 piyanieta

Perusahaan memiliki program maintenance alat berat untuk menjaga dan memaksimalkan kegiatan produksi dengan pengeluaran seminimal mungkin. Maintenance sejatinya dapat memperpanjang masa hidup dan menurunkan potensi downtime alat sehingga produktivitas tetap optimal. Akhir 2019, sudah banyak solusi teknologi yang digadang-gadang mampu mendukung maintenance alat berat yang lebih efisien. Namun, bagaimana memastikan bahwa solusi maintenance alat berat…

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1024 683 adhistya

“Colors must fit together as pieces in a puzzle or cogs in a wheel.” Hans Hofmann Color is based on the mental and emotional effects caused by color to humans in all aspects of life. In color therapy, color is often associated with one’s emotions. Color can also affect a person’s mental or physical state.…

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1024 683 adhistya

For companies whose business is closely related to the use of heavy equipment, such as mining, construction, quarry, logging companies and certain manufacturing industries, the existence of mechanics is vital for the sustainability of its business. Without mechanics, business continuity will be hampered because the heavy equipment needed for production cannot work. or not working…

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