Differences Between Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and Computerized Maintenance and Management System (CMMS)

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There is a common perception that Enterprise Asset Management solution (EAM) is more a financial application, while Computerized Maintenance and Management System (CMMS) is more an operational application, since it tracks repairs, parts, costs of parts and maintenance at the equipment level. But it is too simplified and a bit misleading. The fact is both solutions track the financial and operational information. They are different in scope.

Differences between EAM and CMMS:

  • The Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) solution organizes the physical and fiscal information of enterprise assets on one platform, follows the work flows associated with managing assets, supports the business processes of managing the receiving, assigning, deploying, and retiring assets. From an operational perspective, it tracks the physical whereabouts of the assets, who have custody of them at any point of time, and the physical condition of the assets. It also tracks the financial information of the assets, such as lease terms and dates, maintenance costs, residual value, disposal value, and calculates the total cost of ownership of assets.
  • The Computerized Maintenance and Management System (CMMS) tracks the maintenance activities and costs for the equipment that require maintenance. It tracks the work flow of maintenance, and the cost information associated with these maintenance events.

The differences between EAM and CMMS include the type of assets they track and the scope of information they track:

  • EAM tracks the entire enterprise asset portfolio, including IT and physical assets, equipment and buildings, fixed assets and consumables, while CMMS tracks a subset of that.
  • EAM tracks the lifecycle total cost of ownership of assets, while CMMS focuses on the maintenance stage of equipment life.

Perbedaan Antara Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) dengan Computerize Maintenance and Management System (CMMS)

Ada persepsi umum bahwa solusi Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) lebih merupakan aplikasi keuangan, sedangkan Computerized Maintenance and Management System (CMMS) lebih merupakan aplikasi operasional, karena melacak perbaikan, suku cadang, biaya suku cadang, dan pemeliharaan pada tingkat peralatan. . Tapi itu terlalu sederhana dan sedikit menyesatkan. Faktanya adalah kedua solusi melacak informasi keuangan dan operasional. Mereka berbeda dalam ruang lingkup.

Perbedaan antara EAM dan CMMS:

Solusi Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) mengatur informasi fisik dan fiskal aset perusahaan pada satu platform, mengikuti alur kerja yang terkait dengan mengelola aset, mendukung proses bisnis mengelola aset penerima, penetapan, penempatan, penempatan, dan pensiunan. Dari perspektif operasional, ia melacak keberadaan fisik aset, yang memiliki hak kepemilikan di setiap titik waktu, dan kondisi fisik aset. Ini juga melacak informasi keuangan dari aset, seperti syarat dan tanggal sewa, biaya perawatan, nilai residu, nilai pembuangan, dan menghitung total biaya kepemilikan aset.
Computerized Maintenance and Management System (CMMS) melakukan pelacakan aktivitas dan biaya perawatan untuk peralatan yang membutuhkan perawatan. Ini melacak alur kerja pemeliharaan, dan informasi biaya yang terkait dengan acara pemeliharaan ini.
Perbedaan antara EAM dan CMMS termasuk jenis aset yang dilacak dan ruang lingkup informasi yang dilacak:

EAM melacak seluruh portofolio aset perusahaan, termasuk TI dan aset fisik, peralatan dan bangunan, aset tetap, dan barang habis pakai, sementara CMMS melacak sebagian dari itu.
EAM melacak siklus total biaya kepemilikan aset, sementara CMMS berfokus pada tahap pemeliharaan masa pakai peralatan.



All stories by: adhistya