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Expert Said #3 Retno Nartani: “We Have to Think, How to Do Something Easier & Efficient”

800 500 amaliya

Prospek industri batu bara, menurut Retno Nartani masih bagus untuk beberapa tahun ke depan, hanya saja kalau bicara tentang lingkungan, perusahaan harus bisa mengurangi dan mulai beralih ke energi terbarukan. Retno Nartani yang telah terjun lebih dari 30 tahun di industri pertambangan batu bara, mengatakan bahwa sebenarnya pemerintah sudah bagus dalam membuat peraturan. Dimana perusahaan…

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Top 5 Business Risk Facing the Mining Industry in 2018

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As published by Ernst & Young about their research; the 10 Business Risks facing mining and metals 2017-2018, and up there with some of the biggest concerns is the cyber risk, digital effectiveness in an increasingly digital world and the ever-growing risk surrounding regulatory policy. So here are three of the biggest risks:   Access…

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Unique Facts Of Coal

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Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black semidentary rock, composed primarily of carbon along with variable quantities of other elements, such as hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen. Coal is extracted from the ground by coal mining and has been used as energy resource. Here is some unique facts about coal. Do you know Titanic? Yes,…

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Improve your efficiency of resource consumption and save your money

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Efficient use of resources is an essential part of business sustainability. Reducing your energy and fuel consumption will reduce costs as well as improving your environmental sustainability performance. For many businesses energy and fuel savings can be made throughout its operations. Inefficient use of raw materials might be the biggest issue for others. Sustainable practice…

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