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Equipment Operator should also has knowledge in Maintenance Processes

768 512 ivan

Equipment operators should know more than just start and run the machine! They should have a very good knowledge about their equipment maintenance process & problems. In order to achieve this, you need to make sure that Operator Training is part of your Preventive maintenance program. Here are the reasons: Operator is the frontline reporter…

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Bagian dan Fungsi Wheel Loader – Pengangkut dan Pengeruk Material

1024 645 ivan

Dalam proyek pertambangan atau konstruksi biasanya melibatkan berbagai jenis alat berat dengan fungsi masing-masing. Wheel loader, misalnya, adalah alat berat yang digunakan untuk mengangkut dan memindahkan berbagai material ke alat berat atau lokasi lain. Wheel loader juga bisa difungsikan untuk menggali permukaan, meski tidak sedalam excavator. Wheel loader sangat efisien dioperasikan pada dataran kering dan…

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Things That Companies with Heavy Equipment Should Know

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The heavy equipment industry — including machines such as the backhoe, crane, wheel loader, grader, forklift, and bulldozer — has been experiencing a near-6% growth rate worldwide for the past ten years. This demand is fueled by the need for new construction to accommodate growth, for the refurbishing of old projects and buildings, and for…

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Why Cloud Computing Will Help Your Business?

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Do you really want to spend thousands of dollars on a server, server administrator, backup, maintenance, network, security and other related expenses to run an application supposedly to help you become more efficient? By using cloud application you switch capital expense to operational expense, no infrastructure & development expenses, you pay as you go. What…

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The Price of the Freeport deal

564 423 ivan

JAKARTA (Reuters) – For many Indonesians, investment banker-turned-minister Ignasius Jonan is the man who made trains run on time. Months after being handed the mining portfolio, the minister notched up a bigger victory; securing majority local ownership of Grasberg – one of the world’s biggest gold and copper mines – following months of difficult negotiations…

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7 Good reasons why your company needs Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) System

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Application of Asset Management System can have many benefits to your company, including the following: 1. Good Business Practice. Asset management results in better decisions. Aligning management of infrastructure with strategic policies and direction will support the long-term success of the utility’s mission, goals and objectives. 2. More Meaningful Financial Reporting. An asset management approach…

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Indonesia Mining Map

823 582 ivan

Indonesia is on the west side of the “Pacific Ring of Fire”, characterized by high volcanic activity.  At one point, Magma from the Pacific Ring of Fire is thought to contain a variety of precious metals, especially gold and copper. As part of the Pacific Ring of Volcano, Indonesia also potentially has natural resources in…

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Top 10 of the Richest Mining Companies

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Let’s see which mining enterprises brought  in the biggest money. 10. Fortescue Metals Group (Australia) Primarily operates in Australia, this company is one of the biggest producers of Iron ore in the world, bringing in over than $10 billion in a single year. 9. Coal India Ltd(India) This Indian based company make up 80% of India’s…

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The Biggest Truck In The World

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There a lot of different categories of trucks, every trucking service needs specific types of trucks and because of that some of the trucks needed to become so huge that seeing them in person bring us fear. The most specific truck in the trucking industry is the dump truck or in the construction industry known…

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Do you know? What is the meaning of the different colour of safety helmet?

848 565 ivan

Head injury accident is one kind of the major occupational accidents, particularly in the construction industry. Every year many workers injured or are even killed as a result of head injury. The main risks of head injury in the workplaces are as follows: where there is a possibility that a worker may be struck on…

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