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Expert Said #6 Risono: “Indonesia Menuju Negara Industri Berbasis Tambang”

1024 683 amaliya

Sources: Antam Resourcindo / Penambangan Nikel di Pulau Gag, Papua Barat Semenjak keran ekspor Nikel dibuka lagi, Risono mengatakan industri tambang Nikel marak lagi. Namun dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis, Risono yang pernah menjabat sebagai VP of Operations PT Antam Tbk dan kini mempimpin anak perusahaannya, PT Gag Nikel sebagai Presiden Direktur, semakin menunjukkan performa kepemimpinannya.…

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Memangkas Total Jam Kerja di Lapangan dengan Teknologi

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sources: unsplash Dalam industri pertambangan, konstruksi, ataupun semacamnya yang memiliki proyek di beberapa area tertentu, jelas butuh usaha lebih untuk mengontrol pekerjaan di lapangan. Bagi manajerial level, data hasil laporan tim di lapangan sangatlah penting sebagai bahan pengambilan keputusan. Semakin kaya data, akan memudahkan manajemen untuk mengambil keputusan. Semakin akurat data, akan semakin tepat manajemen…

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How can IoT Help The Mining Industry

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Automate maintenance and operations of machines – Leads to creation of newer collaboration models with OEMs for monitoring via cloud connectivity and networks. Standardize processes – Helps build newer business models and highly agile processes at the operations level. Improve traceability and visibility – Lets users automatically transfer and receive data over a network without…

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Biaya yang Keluar Sia-Sia Akibat Alat yang Tidak Produktif

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“Kalau alat-alat berat proyek saya rusak? Waah banyak sekali dampak selanjutnya” Kata Arga, yang bekerja di salah satu perusahaan konstruksi terbesar di Indonesia. Meski perusahaannya merupakan salah satu BUMN terbesar di Indonesia, Arga sebagai Procurement & Logistic specialist mengatakan masih banyak masalah teknis terkait pekerjaan yang dampaknya besar bagi operasional. Salah satunya yang krusial adalah…

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5 Tips to Improve Your Heavy Equipment Lifetime

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Heavy machinery is an expensive piece of equipment that needs a lot of attention to help them working at an optimum level of performance. Having a damaged equipment cost a fortune for the company to fix includes the loss of production time which is even a bigger loss. Here are some tips to help you…

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Expert Said #2 Andre Alis: “Mengontrol Kegiatan di Site? Itu Kuncinya.”

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Dikatakan oleh Andre Alis bahwa  perkembangan pertambangan selalu naik turun. Setiap perusahaan harus sadar akan tantangannya dan sudah merencanakan setiap tindakan kedepannya matang-matang. Menurut Andre Alis, ada beberapa tantangan yang harus dihadapi para pelaku bisnis tambang di Indonesia. Pertama, regulasi untuk melakukan produksi tambang. Sering kali kurang koordinasi antar departemen pemberi izin, sehingga para pebisnis…

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Top 10 Mining Industry Trends and Challenges in 2018

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In the last 10 years, the mining industry has been on a roller-coaster, with commodity prices reaching both historic highs and lows, as well as operational realities shifting irrevocably in the face of a digital revolution. And companies better fasten their seat belts because those rapid changes are likely to continue and even accelerate this…

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4 Factors Consideration of Renting or Buying Heavy Equipment

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Heavy equipment is one of the most important parts of the contractor. Each project requires a machine that can help perform the effectiveness of each job. Proper planning to use the machine optimally is one indicator of the success of a project. However, for beginners or who are still pioneering the business, the decision to…

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Standard Post


Nullam egestas leo at eros commodo auctor. Integer imperdiet odio adipiscing, eleifend odio et, varius massa. Fusce vitae leo dignissim, adipiscing arcu eget, porttitor dolor. Aenean pretium elit id mauris imperdiet rutrum. Phasellus vel neque nunc. Sed feugiat nibh et nibh sagittis mollis vel a felis. Integer imperdiet turpis id mi tincidunt, non aliquet nunc…

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Tell the Story


Nullam egestas leo at eros commodo auctor. Integer imperdiet odio adipiscing, eleifend odio et, varius massa. Fusce vitae leo dignissim, adipiscing arcu eget, porttitor dolor. Aenean pretium elit id mauris imperdiet rutrum. Phasellus vel neque nunc. Sed feugiat nibh et nibh sagittis mollis vel a felis. Integer imperdiet turpis id mi tincidunt, non aliquet nunc…

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