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November 2017

IOT key to improving environmental monitoring in the mining industry

823 582 natasha

A new study into the mining industry’s use of IoT has revealed that it is helping the sector meet environmental regulations and corporate social responsibility policies The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to “dramatically reduce the impact of mining operations on the environment” according to new research from Inmarsat (ISAT.L), which found that…

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Top 5 business risks facing the mining industry in 2018

1000 638 natasha

Every year some mining companies begin to divert attention to get a good future, but in the achievement there must be a risks to be faced and will be something positive and negative in the system kerjannya. Ernst & Young has released his research into 10 Business Risks facing mining and metals from 2017 to…

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The Variety of Heavy Equipment

564 356 natasha

Let’s get to know more familiar about heavy equipment that used in some companies. 1. Dump truck Dump Truck is a tool used to move the quarry material from the quarry location to the project site. The tool is usually used to transport loose material (loose material) in the form of sand, gravel, soil and…

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