Monthly Archives :

August 2018

Top 5 Business Risk Facing the Mining Industry in 2018

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As published by Ernst & Young about their research; the 10 Business Risks facing mining and metals 2017-2018, and up there with some of the biggest concerns is the cyber risk, digital effectiveness in an increasingly digital world and the ever-growing risk surrounding regulatory policy. So here are three of the biggest risks:   Access…

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How can IoT Help The Mining Industry

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Automate maintenance and operations of machines – Leads to creation of newer collaboration models with OEMs for monitoring via cloud connectivity and networks. Standardize processes – Helps build newer business models and highly agile processes at the operations level. Improve traceability and visibility – Lets users automatically transfer and receive data over a network without…

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Investasi Melalui Sistem Untuk Kontrol Alat Berat

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Saat ini, hampir semua aktivitas manusia membutuhkan bantuan teknologi. Namun kenyataan ini tidak disadari oleh semua orang. Masih banyak pihak yang belum ‘melek teknologi’ sehingga tidak mempertimbangkan teknologi sebagai solusi dari masalah yang ada saat ini. Seperti halnya penggunaan software untuk mempermudah sistem di perusahaan. Bagi perusahaan yang terbuka dan sadar akan kebutuhan tersebut, perusahaan…

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Top 8 Construction Trends in 2018

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Builders and contractors have to keep updated with the latest construction industry trends so that they can go ahead in their market. Here are some trends quoted from the balance smb: Green design In 2018, green construction attracts a lot of attention. Construction managers and contractors will have to change the way they used to…

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Memangkas Biaya Operasional dengan Transformasi Digital

634 476 amaliya

Setiap laporan pekerjaan akan digunakan sebagai bahan analisa manajemen untuk mengambil keputusan. Sehingga data yang didapat akan menentukan keputusan apa yang akan diambil oleh manajemen. Hal tersebut menuntut setiap laporan harus menghasilkan data yang dapat diuji validitasnya. Dalam bekerja di lapangan, masih menjadi tantangan mengenai bagaimana melaporkan data yang akurat dan cepat dengan keterbatasan fasilitas…

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Things That Companies with Heavy Equipment Should Know

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The heavy equipment industry — including machines such as the backhoe, crane, wheel loader, grader, forklift, and bulldozer — has been experiencing a near-6% growth rate worldwide for the past ten years. This demand is fueled by the need for new construction to accommodate growth, for the refurbishing of old projects and buildings, and for…

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Kemajuan Berau Bersama Berau Coal

565 350 amaliya

Industri pertambangan sering mendapat stereotyping sebagai industri yang merusak lingkungan, tanpa melihat lagi kontribusi lainnya yang perusahaan tambang berikan kepada masyarakat atau pun pihak lainnya. Dikatakan oleh Arif Hadianto, Public Relations PT Berau Coal, bahwa sejak perusahaan tambang melakukan perencanaan sebelum produksi, masalah pengelolaan lingkungan dan keselamatan kerja selalu diprioritaskan dan menjadi pilar penting dalam…

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How to Save Money on Construction Project

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Creating a more cost-effective project means disrupting poor behaviors and possibly leveraging new technology to help your team with improved workflows delivering on a new promise – achieving more, with fewer resources but generating higher profits. Here are some tips to save money on future construction projects: Plan Well Make the project plan properly is…

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Biaya yang Keluar Sia-Sia Akibat Alat yang Tidak Produktif

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“Kalau alat-alat berat proyek saya rusak? Waah banyak sekali dampak selanjutnya” Kata Arga, yang bekerja di salah satu perusahaan konstruksi terbesar di Indonesia. Meski perusahaannya merupakan salah satu BUMN terbesar di Indonesia, Arga sebagai Procurement & Logistic specialist mengatakan masih banyak masalah teknis terkait pekerjaan yang dampaknya besar bagi operasional. Salah satunya yang krusial adalah…

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5 Tips to Improve Your Heavy Equipment Lifetime

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Heavy machinery is an expensive piece of equipment that needs a lot of attention to help them working at an optimum level of performance. Having a damaged equipment cost a fortune for the company to fix includes the loss of production time which is even a bigger loss. Here are some tips to help you…

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