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Caterpillar Inc. (USA) The company was originally founded on April 15, 1925 headquartered in Perio, Illinois, United States. The company is engaged in several segments, among others, construction, transportation, the Construction Industry, Industrial Resources, Energy & Transportation, and Financial Products. Now the company has 49 branches in America and 120 branches outside the United States.Komatsu…

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TOP 10 Heavy Equipment in Mining

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Excavator Alat ini biasa disebut sebagai Mesin pengeruk dan merupakan Alat berat yang terdiri dari batang, tongkat, keranjang dan rumah rumah dalam sebuah wahana putar dan digunakan untuk penggalian (akskavasi). 2. Backhoe Digunakan pada pengupasan tanah penutup (over burden) dan penggalian endapan (ore). 3. Bulldozer Sebagai alat bantu dorong material saat land clearing ataupun development…

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TOP 10 Mining Accidents

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“Mining is a dangerous profession. There’s no way to make a mine completely safe: These are the words owners have always used to excuse needless deaths and the words miners use to prepare for them.”Tawni O’Dell 1 – Honkeiko Colliery, China (April 26, 1942) China has arguably the worst mining record of any country with…

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Top 10 Worldwide Mining Event in 2019

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TOP 10 Worldwide Mining Event Mining event is one of a trend for miners. Some kind of benefits for miners are : Hear from and meet key government regulators both domestic and internationalShare ideas with key mining project developers on sustainable mine developmentBuild relationships with potential JV (Junior Varsity) and offtake partnersMeet with key resource…

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