Posts Tagged :

assets maintenance

Telat Mendeteksi Masalah karena Laporan Terlambat

1024 683 amaliya

Demi keselamatan jiwa dan operasi pertambangan, setiap sumber daya baik manusia maupun alat harus melewati proses uji kelayakan. Banyak yang harus diperiksa dan dipastikan sudah memenuhi standar, baru lah operasi tambang dapat dijalankan. Cipto sebagai Head of Health Safety and Environment sebuah kontraktor tambang mengatakan bahwa ia sangat ketat dalam menerima laporan layak atau tidaknya…

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Why Asset Maintenance Management is Important?

1024 683 natasha

The unstable price of mining products, such as coal in 2017, as well as the rising costs for operations make mining companies have to think of the most effective and efficient strategy to survive. One of them is having efficient cost management. By maximize the use of assets, the costs for repair or renew asset…

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