Posts Tagged :

mining company

Top 5 Business Risk Facing the Mining Industry in 2018

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As published by Ernst & Young about their research; the 10 Business Risks facing mining and metals 2017-2018, and up there with some of the biggest concerns is the cyber risk, digital effectiveness in an increasingly digital world and the ever-growing risk surrounding regulatory policy. So here are three of the biggest risks:   Access…

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How can IoT Help The Mining Industry

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Automate maintenance and operations of machines – Leads to creation of newer collaboration models with OEMs for monitoring via cloud connectivity and networks. Standardize processes – Helps build newer business models and highly agile processes at the operations level. Improve traceability and visibility – Lets users automatically transfer and receive data over a network without…

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Memangkas Biaya Operasional dengan Transformasi Digital

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Setiap laporan pekerjaan akan digunakan sebagai bahan analisa manajemen untuk mengambil keputusan. Sehingga data yang didapat akan menentukan keputusan apa yang akan diambil oleh manajemen. Hal tersebut menuntut setiap laporan harus menghasilkan data yang dapat diuji validitasnya. Dalam bekerja di lapangan, masih menjadi tantangan mengenai bagaimana melaporkan data yang akurat dan cepat dengan keterbatasan fasilitas…

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Kemajuan Berau Bersama Berau Coal

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Industri pertambangan sering mendapat stereotyping sebagai industri yang merusak lingkungan, tanpa melihat lagi kontribusi lainnya yang perusahaan tambang berikan kepada masyarakat atau pun pihak lainnya. Dikatakan oleh Arif Hadianto, Public Relations PT Berau Coal, bahwa sejak perusahaan tambang melakukan perencanaan sebelum produksi, masalah pengelolaan lingkungan dan keselamatan kerja selalu diprioritaskan dan menjadi pilar penting dalam…

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Expert Said #2 Andre Alis: “Mengontrol Kegiatan di Site? Itu Kuncinya.”

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Dikatakan oleh Andre Alis bahwa  perkembangan pertambangan selalu naik turun. Setiap perusahaan harus sadar akan tantangannya dan sudah merencanakan setiap tindakan kedepannya matang-matang. Menurut Andre Alis, ada beberapa tantangan yang harus dihadapi para pelaku bisnis tambang di Indonesia. Pertama, regulasi untuk melakukan produksi tambang. Sering kali kurang koordinasi antar departemen pemberi izin, sehingga para pebisnis…

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Expert Said #1 Johan O Silalahi: “Menambang, Tuhan Tersenyum”

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Mengikuti perkembangan tren global jadi kunci sukses dalam mengembangkan bisnis di industri pertambangan. Johan O Silalahi, Dewan Komite Audit yang juga Komisaris Independen PT Bukit Asam, Tbk menyampaikan perusahaan harus sadar dan selalu mengikuti tren global dalam industri pertambangan yang kini semakin peduli terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Beberapa perusahaan negara maju telah lebih dulu sadar mengenai…

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Top 10 Mining Industry Trends and Challenges in 2018

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In the last 10 years, the mining industry has been on a roller-coaster, with commodity prices reaching both historic highs and lows, as well as operational realities shifting irrevocably in the face of a digital revolution. And companies better fasten their seat belts because those rapid changes are likely to continue and even accelerate this…

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5 Natures of Mineral

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Minerals are encountered every day in daily life, from the quartz of watch you wear to gemstones on your jewelry. Minerals are also used in many industries and have been mined out since long time ago. There are many minerals have been discovered, some of them are famous of their unique, size, price, etc. One…

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Facts of Uranium

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Uranium is one of the most expensive mining product in the world. Uranium, with symbol U and atomic number 92 in periodic table, is a radioactive element which has unstable isotopes. It occurs naturally in low concentrations of a few parts per million in soil, rock and water. Without delaying any further, here are 10 facts of…

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Why Asset Maintenance Management is Important?

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The unstable price of mining products, such as coal in 2017, as well as the rising costs for operations make mining companies have to think of the most effective and efficient strategy to survive. One of them is having efficient cost management. By maximize the use of assets, the costs for repair or renew asset…

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