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5 Tips to Improve Your Heavy Equipment Lifetime

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Heavy machinery is an expensive piece of equipment that needs a lot of attention to help them working at an optimum level of performance. Having a damaged equipment cost a fortune for the company to fix includes the loss of production time which is even a bigger loss. Here are some tips to help you…

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Semakin Dekat dengan Aset Melalui Digital Reporting

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Memiliki alat berat merupakan investasi yang tidak murah bagi perusahaan. Sehingga dibutuhkan manajemen perawatan untuk menjaga kondisi alat berat itu sendiri. Karena dengan nilai tinggi diharapkan kondisi aset selalu baik agar; alat dapat bekerja dengan efektif dan efisien, rusak mendadak menjadi minim, kesiapan alat beroperasi tinggi, biaya operasi relatif rendah, usia alat menjadi optimum, keamanan…

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Tetap Go Digital Meski di Remote Area

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Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi kerja, para perusahaan berlomba-lomba melakukan transformasi digital, termasuk industri tambang yang kegiatan operasionalnya berada  di remote area. Digitalisasi proses kerja di lapangan adalah mengubah proses kerja konvensional yang menggunakan kertas menjadi digital menggunakan smartphone. Digitalisasi tersebut dilakukan untuk beberapa tujuan, pertama, mendapatkan data yang lebih akurat. Diharapkan, dapat menjadi solusi…

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Bukit Jaddih: Area Pertambangan di Madura yang Kini Menjadi Tempat Wisata Hits

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Sejumlah alat berat melakukan penambangan batu kapur di Bukit Jaddih, Bangkalan, Madura, Jawa Timur, Minggu (5/3). Batu kapur yang masih digunakan sebagai dinding dan pondasi bangunan rumah tersebut dijual dengan harga Rp250 per buah. ANTARA FOTO/M.Risyal Hidayat/pd/17 Tidak selamanya pertambangan meninggalkan kesan buruk. Seperti salah satu kawasan di Kabupaten Bangkalan, Madura, sebuah kawasan bekas tambang…

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Top 10 Mining Industry Trends and Challenges in 2018

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In the last 10 years, the mining industry has been on a roller-coaster, with commodity prices reaching both historic highs and lows, as well as operational realities shifting irrevocably in the face of a digital revolution. And companies better fasten their seat belts because those rapid changes are likely to continue and even accelerate this…

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Top 5 World’s Construction Equipment Manufacturers

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Here are the world’s top five construction equipment manufacturers. They build heavy-duty automobiles, specifically designed for implementing construction tasks, most commonly equipment concerning earthwork operations Caterpillar (USA) Caterpillar Inc is an American corporation which designs, develops, engineers, manufactures, markets and sells machinery, engines, financial products and insurance to customers via a worldwide dealer network. Caterpillar…

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How to be A Successful Mining Company

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Mining is an activity to extract valuable materials from the earth. The unearthed materials cannot be grown through agricultural processes or created in lab or factory,  in other words: non-renewable resources. The harder in finding the material, the higher it’s price. Mining industry has started since a long time ago and spread over many countries.…

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5 Natures of Mineral

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Minerals are encountered every day in daily life, from the quartz of watch you wear to gemstones on your jewelry. Minerals are also used in many industries and have been mined out since long time ago. There are many minerals have been discovered, some of them are famous of their unique, size, price, etc. One…

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Silver, the Incredible Metal

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Silver is one of mining products and generally known to make coins, silverware, and jewelry. In fact, silver is used to make many things due to its unique properties. It has the best thermal and electrical conductor among all metals. It is also have good corrosion and oxidation resistant. The best part : silver is…

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Meaning of Safety Helmet’s Color

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As the name implies, safety helmet is used to keep the user’s safety from falling objects. The helmet was officially developed in 1912 by Worker’s Incident Insurance Institute of Bohemian Kingdom. There are two types of safety helmet : helmet equipped with flashlight and wide edges (used by underground or tunnel workers) and helmet without…

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