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February 2017

Do you know? What is the meaning of the different colour of safety helmet?

848 565 ivan

Head injury accident is one kind of the major occupational accidents, particularly in the construction industry. Every year many workers injured or are even killed as a result of head injury. The main risks of head injury in the workplaces are as follows: where there is a possibility that a worker may be struck on…

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Safe operating procedures for Heavy equipment! (Part 3)

1024 683 ivan

The last part of safe operating procedures for heavy equipment is refueling & parking. It is the easy part, but sometimes this easy part is the part that most cases of accidents. Refueling Shut off and cool the engine and any electrical equipment before fueling. Ensure the fueling area is well ventilated. Do not smoke…

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Safe operating procedures for Heavy equipment! (Part 2)

1024 683 ivan

Understand and follow safe operating procedures for use of heavy equipment, to prevent injury. Machine Maintenance Ensure the cab area is clean and free of debris and tools. Clean windshield, mirrors and lights. Removal all oil, grease or mud and snow from grab irons, hand rails, steps, pedals and floor to prevent slips and falls.…

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Safe operating procedures for Heavy equipment! (Part 1)

1024 683 ivan

Improper procedures can cause injury, disability, or death. By understanding and following safe operating procedures for use of heavy equipment, we can prevent injury for yourself and your coworkers. Note : only trained and authorized operators shall be permitted to operate the equipment. Personal protective equipment is mandatory and may include the following: Boots or safety…

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Save cost by using the right lubricant for your machinery

864 486 ivan

For mining industry in North America only, the potential savings could reach up to US$29 million from the impact of using the correct lubricant for machinery. A recent industrial research found that 96% of mining companies experiencing unplanned equipment shutdowns in the last 3 years. with half of the acknowledging this due the incorrect management…

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