5 Mine Areas That Become a Tourism Destination

593 333 natasha

Some of the wounds of the Earth now becomes a place so beautiful can even be enjoyed and is visited by many tourists. Some of this area is the area of the mine that had failed or had exhausted its resources. quoted from various sources, following a number of ex-mining area in Indonesia are ‘ transformed ‘ so beautiful and exciting destinations to visit

Danau Kaolin, Belitung. (budisuryanugraha/Instagram)

Danau Kaolin, Belitung. (budisuryanugraha/Instagram)

Kaolin lake  is one of the ex-mining areas. These holes are ex-tin mining and kaolin which become valuable assets in Belitung Island. Then the excavation hole is filled with rainwater to be like this time. For additional information, this kaolin is the result of superior mine of Belitung Island other than tin commonly used as the basic ingredient of a cosmetic maker, toothpaste, and others. For lovers of this lake, if it comes recommended to bring sunglasses because the reflection of sunlight into the clear water that has a blue color that will dazzle the eyes and make eyes sore.

Tebing Breksi, Yogyakarta. (m.ibnuabd_/Instagram)

Tebing Breksi, Yogyakarta. (m.ibnuabd_/Instagram)

This limestone area has been a livelihood for many years by mining. But the local government ban came after several researchers conducted the study. The result, limestone breccia rock there was the sediment of volcanic ash from the Volcano and the Ancient Nglanggeran. Thus, the area is included in the cultural heritage and must be preserved. Now this area becomes a place of interest for tourists to enjoy the beautiful panoramic of scratches that ever existed.

Brown Canyon, Semarang

Brown Canyon, Semarang

Brown Canyon Semarang is an excavation area that is over 10 years old. This area is a place of excavation of sand, excavation of soil and rocks. but because the mining of material that is done every day for years has finally changed its shape like a Green Canyon in America.

Bukit Jaddih, Bangkalan, Madura.

Bukit Jaddih, Bangkalan, Madura.

Jaddih Limestone Hill or better known as Jaddih Hill is a mined of white limestone. But because of its beauty has now become an interesting place to visit. This hill also has small caves left over from mining. However, if you want to go into the cave please be careful because it is prone to collapse

Gunung Kapur Sekapuk, Gresik, Jawa Timur

Gunung Kapur Sekapuk, Gresik, Jawa Timur

Sekapuk limestone hill is one of the mining places that promote the industrial sector in Gresik. But the former mining activities here actually form the cliffs and alleys unique limestone that makes the reason some tourists come and take pictures here.



All stories by: natasha