
Say Bye to Internet Connection Problem On-site

1024 645 piyanieta

Illustration of inspection on-site Many systems offer solutions for asset management, especially for heavy equipment. However, these systems are still constrained by internet connections, particularly on the mining site. One of several things to consider before getting a digital solution for your company, isn’t it? Now, it’s not a problem anymore!amtiss has Offline Feature that…

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Figuring Out Fuel Efficiency of Heavy Equipment

1024 645 piyanieta

Efficiency is doing the thing right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing.Peter F. Drucker As you know, fuel is ‘food’ for heavy equipment to work. In the company’s concern, there are 2 important terms namely Fuel Consumption and Fuel Efficiency. Both sound similar, but actually different. Fuel Consumption is the amount of fuel used per…

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Differences Between Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and Computerized Maintenance and Management System (CMMS)

1024 682 adhistya

There is a common perception that Enterprise Asset Management solution (EAM) is more a financial application, while Computerized Maintenance and Management System (CMMS) is more an operational application, since it tracks repairs, parts, costs of parts and maintenance at the equipment level. But it is too simplified and a bit misleading. The fact is both solutions track the financial…

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Kerugian Kecelakaan Kerja

960 536 amaliya

Kecelakaan kerja adalah kejadian yang tidak diinginkan yang datangnya dari luar kendali karyawan. kecelakaan dilatarbelakangi dri unsur ketidaksengajaan yang menimbulkan kerugian fisik pekerja itu sendiri atau kerugian waktu, harta benda, properti, hingga kerugian korban jiwa. Kerugian tersebut dapat digolongkan menjadi 3 golongan berdasarkan jumlah kerugiannya. Adapun kerugian tersebut dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu biaya langsung dan…

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