
7 Tantangan yang Dihadapi Perusahaan Rental Alat Berat dan Solusinya

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Rental alat berat merupakan salah satu trend yang populer dilakukan baik di industri pertambangan atau konstruksi di seluruh dunia. Rental alat berat menghemat modal, meningkatkan fleksibilitas, dan membebaskan perusahaan dari biaya dan kompleksitas yang biasa dihadapi, terutama dalam hal maintenance. Itulah mengapa jumlah perusahaan yang bergerak di industri rental alat berat semakin banyak selama beberapa…

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Mengapa Preventive Maintenance itu Penting?

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Alasan, Langkah, dan Cara menerapkan Preventive Maintenance untuk Alat Berat Anda.

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5 Unique Facts of the 30-year-old Super Pit Gold Mine

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Super Pit or officially named as Fimiston Open Pit is a large open cut gold mine owned by Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) Pty Ltd, located off the Goldfields Highway on the south-east edge of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. The pit which has approx. 3.5 km long, 1.5 km wide, and over 600 m deep was…

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MBAP’s Solution to Face Declining Coal Prices

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Do not blame the world. Find a solutionSri Chinmoy source : MBAP Mitrabara Adiperdana (MBAP), part of Baramulti Group which is engaged in coal mining, has produced 50% of annual target: 2 million tons of coal in the first semester of 2019. The high-quality coal is mined from Malinau mine site, North Kalimantan. source :…

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Ombilin Sawahlunto – The Historical Coal Mine listed as UNESCO World Heritage

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Ombilin Sawahlunto coal mine owned by PT Bukit Asam Tbk has been listed as UNESCO world heritage on July 6, 2019. It was decided during the 43rd session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Baku, Azerbaijan. The closed coal mine has been changed into an educational and tourist destination, namely The Ombilin Coal Mine…

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Mining has been known for a long time starting from stone mining in the days of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Since the industrial era, human needs for mining materials such as the use of cellphones, watches, jewelry, and other products have increased along with the increasing human population in the world. Thus, the mining industry…

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TOP 5 Indonesia Mining & Construction Event 2019

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Amtiss took review of Top 5 mining, coal and construction event 2019 in Indonesia. Here’s a good news for you. IndoConsTech Expo 2019 20-24 March 2019, Hall 3A Indonesia Convention Exhibition BSD City – Indonesia 2. Construction and Mining 2019 20-22 March  2019, JiExpo Kemayoran Jakarta 3. Mining Indonesia 2019 18-21 September 2019, Jiexpo Kemayoran…

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Top 10 Worldwide Mining Event in 2019

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TOP 10 Worldwide Mining Event Mining event is one of a trend for miners. Some kind of benefits for miners are : Hear from and meet key government regulators both domestic and internationalShare ideas with key mining project developers on sustainable mine developmentBuild relationships with potential JV (Junior Varsity) and offtake partnersMeet with key resource…

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Top 5 Gold Mining Area in Indonesia

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Halmahera –  Gosowong Gold Mine Kalimantan Tengah – Tambang Emas Desa Pujon This place became one of the gold mining areas which is officially managed directly by the SOE under the auspices of PT Aneka Tambang. For cooperation with the foreign party itself is with Newcrest company. In this place not only gold mined but also silver.…

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eros dolores omittantur eum ex, ne mea soluta putant constituam, quod patrioque mei et. Intellegat expetendis ne pri, has ea inani denique cotidieque. Amet harum pericula et est, qui ea utamur oblique meliore, duo et illum constituto. Dicta meliore mediocritatem ut vis, duo idque discere labores ut. Verear complectitur mea…

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