Posts Tagged :

asset maintenance

Why Cloud Computing Will Help Your Business?

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Do you really want to spend thousands of dollars on a server, server administrator, backup, maintenance, network, security and other related expenses to run an application supposedly to help you become more efficient? By using cloud application you switch capital expense to operational expense, no infrastructure & development expenses, you pay as you go. What…

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Semakin Dekat dengan Aset Melalui Digital Reporting

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Memiliki alat berat merupakan investasi yang tidak murah bagi perusahaan. Sehingga dibutuhkan manajemen perawatan untuk menjaga kondisi alat berat itu sendiri. Karena dengan nilai tinggi diharapkan kondisi aset selalu baik agar; alat dapat bekerja dengan efektif dan efisien, rusak mendadak menjadi minim, kesiapan alat beroperasi tinggi, biaya operasi relatif rendah, usia alat menjadi optimum, keamanan…

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Tetap Go Digital Meski di Remote Area

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Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi kerja, para perusahaan berlomba-lomba melakukan transformasi digital, termasuk industri tambang yang kegiatan operasionalnya berada  di remote area. Digitalisasi proses kerja di lapangan adalah mengubah proses kerja konvensional yang menggunakan kertas menjadi digital menggunakan smartphone. Digitalisasi tersebut dilakukan untuk beberapa tujuan, pertama, mendapatkan data yang lebih akurat. Diharapkan, dapat menjadi solusi…

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Expert Said #1 Johan O Silalahi: “Menambang, Tuhan Tersenyum”

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Mengikuti perkembangan tren global jadi kunci sukses dalam mengembangkan bisnis di industri pertambangan. Johan O Silalahi, Dewan Komite Audit yang juga Komisaris Independen PT Bukit Asam, Tbk menyampaikan perusahaan harus sadar dan selalu mengikuti tren global dalam industri pertambangan yang kini semakin peduli terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Beberapa perusahaan negara maju telah lebih dulu sadar mengenai…

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Top 5 Gold Producing Countries

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As published by Mining Global, here is 5 country with the highest gold output in metric tonnes: Peru (150MT) The South American country saw modest growth from 2015 to 2016 to the tune of 5MT. It has held steady at number five or six for more than a decade although it produced a high of…

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Top 10 Mining Industry Trends and Challenges in 2018

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In the last 10 years, the mining industry has been on a roller-coaster, with commodity prices reaching both historic highs and lows, as well as operational realities shifting irrevocably in the face of a digital revolution. And companies better fasten their seat belts because those rapid changes are likely to continue and even accelerate this…

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4 Factors Consideration of Renting or Buying Heavy Equipment

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Heavy equipment is one of the most important parts of the contractor. Each project requires a machine that can help perform the effectiveness of each job. Proper planning to use the machine optimally is one indicator of the success of a project. However, for beginners or who are still pioneering the business, the decision to…

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Digitalisasi Asset Management Gapura Angkasa

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Gapura Angkasa merupakan perusahaan yang dibentuk oleh PT Garuda Indonesia, Angkasa Pura II, dan Angkasa Pura I. Perusahaan ini dibuat khusus untuk menangani jasa ground handling dan kegiatan lainnya yang mendukung usaha penerbangan pesawat. Adapun aset yang dimiliki berupa aset tetap untuk operasional perusahaan dan asset extra compatible sebagai aset penunjang. Dalam mengelola aset, Gapura…

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6 Ways to Save Money on Your Machines

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Heavy equipment plays an important role because it can facilitate and assist employees in completing the project, especially for projects on a large scale. How it used in a project must be considered because it affects the projects time and cost. For many construction site manager, getting the lowest total lifetime cost and help you…

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Improved Work Process with Technology

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As your company grows, you encounter new challenges that require you to be more innovative. Efficiency is what every business wants to pursue. The common problems are the conventional work process on the field and the way data is being delivered to the managerial level which requires too much time. While the top management level needs…

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