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Telat Mendeteksi Masalah karena Laporan Terlambat

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Demi keselamatan jiwa dan operasi pertambangan, setiap sumber daya baik manusia maupun alat harus melewati proses uji kelayakan. Banyak yang harus diperiksa dan dipastikan sudah memenuhi standar, baru lah operasi tambang dapat dijalankan. Cipto sebagai Head of Health Safety and Environment sebuah kontraktor tambang mengatakan bahwa ia sangat ketat dalam menerima laporan layak atau tidaknya…

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Expert Said #6 Risono: “Indonesia Menuju Negara Industri Berbasis Tambang”

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Sources: Antam Resourcindo / Penambangan Nikel di Pulau Gag, Papua Barat Semenjak keran ekspor Nikel dibuka lagi, Risono mengatakan industri tambang Nikel marak lagi. Namun dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis, Risono yang pernah menjabat sebagai VP of Operations PT Antam Tbk dan kini mempimpin anak perusahaannya, PT Gag Nikel sebagai Presiden Direktur, semakin menunjukkan performa kepemimpinannya.…

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How to Reclaiming Efficiency and Lowering Costs in Mining

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Here are some strategies to consider, from Deloitte’s “Mining spotlight on sliding productivity and spiraling costs.” Strengthen Mine Planning To improve sector productivity, companies can: Refocus on high-quality production by increasing cut off grades. Reduce capital expenditures in properties with lower production potential and shorter mine lives. Consider the benefits (and potential risks) of reducing…

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Top 10 Mining Industry Trends and Challenges in 2018

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In the last 10 years, the mining industry has been on a roller-coaster, with commodity prices reaching both historic highs and lows, as well as operational realities shifting irrevocably in the face of a digital revolution. And companies better fasten their seat belts because those rapid changes are likely to continue and even accelerate this…

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The Variety of Heavy Equipment

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Let’s get to know more familiar about heavy equipment that used in some companies. 1. Dump truck Dump Truck is a tool used to move the quarry material from the quarry location to the project site. The tool is usually used to transport loose material (loose material) in the form of sand, gravel, soil and…

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The Cause of Damage an Undercarriage Excavators and Bulldozers

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The undercarriage is one of the important components in heavy equipment such as excavators and bulldozers. One of the components of heavy equipment section below includes the frame and a set of tracks and was instrumental in moving from one place to the other.  Damage to these parts could not be avoided, as it will…

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Do you now how many types Heavy equipment that are used in excavations?

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Any operation that involves digging material could be called an excavation, we have listed equipment here that is most often used to dig more size limited excavations. Backhoe loader A backhoe loader, also called a loader backhoe or tractor backhoe, is a heavy equipment vehicle that consists of a tractor fitted with a bucket on…

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