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machine failure

Mencegah Machine Failure dengan Daily Inspection Menggunakan Mobile App

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Mobile device seperti smartphone sudah menjadi barang yang wajib dimiliki oleh mayoritas orang. Ukurannya yang kecil dan banyak aplikasi yang mudah digunakan membuat mobile device sangat powerful. Nah, bagaimana jika mobile device dimanfaatkan untuk mencegah Machine Failure? Pencegahan Machine Failure dengan Daily Inspection Salah satu kiat pencegahan Machine Failure adalah dengan disiplin melakukan Daily Inspection.…

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3 Machine Failure Causes

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Companies always attempt to prevent any machine failure to happen. In addition to delaying operations, failure also increases costs for companies to repair the machine. And, these will lead to company losses. Must be very strange and impossible if machine failure occurs without any trigger. Machine Failure Causes After discussing types of machine failure (Read:…

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3 Types of Machine Failure

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All of us certainly choose to avoid any machine failure. However, to be able to prevent failure, we must know in advance what is machine failure. Machine failure is a condition when the machine can not operate optimally due to known or unknown-intentional or unintentional causes. Types of Machine Failure There are three types of…

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