Posts Tagged :

preventive maintenance

Mengapa Preventive Maintenance itu Penting?

1024 727 ferly lim

Alasan, Langkah, dan Cara menerapkan Preventive Maintenance untuk Alat Berat Anda.

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4 Hal Penting Membersihkan Alat Berat di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19

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Menjaga kebersihan diri sangat penting untuk mengurangi resiko penularan virus Covid-19 dan penyakit lainnya. Begitu juga dengan kebersihan benda atau alat yang ditemui setiap hari. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi para operator dan mekanik di site yang sering melakukan kontak langsung dengan alat berat. Membersihkan alat berat memang sudah termasuk dalam rangkaian maintenance yang harus…

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optimalisasi laporan inspeksi alat berat tambang

Cara Buat Laporan Inspeksi Alat Berat Lebih Optimal

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Ilustrasi membuat laporan inspeksi alat berat Melakukan inspeksi pada alat berat sudah merupakan hal wajib sebagai langkah awal preventive maintenance. Dengan menginspeksi alat berat secara rutin, kondisi alat berat dapat dipantau lebih baik dan keselamatan pekerja/operator alat berat juga lebih terjamin. Kegagalan kerja alat berat, baik itu excavator, dump truck, forklift, crane, loader, dan lainnya…

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Things Need to be Checked to Support Equipment Health

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Prolong heavy equipment lifetime can be done in many ways, one of them is by implementing preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance is intended for minimizing unplanned downtime. amtiss highly recommends you to do preventive maintenance, starting from implement regular inspections. Illustration: Heavy Equipment Regular inspections allow you to know the machine condition before and after an…

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Mining has been known for a long time starting from stone mining in the days of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Since the industrial era, human needs for mining materials such as the use of cellphones, watches, jewelry, and other products have increased along with the increasing human population in the world. Thus, the mining industry…

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4 Preventive Steps in the Machine Maintenance System for Heavy Equipment

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The engine as the most important component of the machine certainly provides a very significant role in its performance. In order for heavy slat to work optimally and last long, engine maintenance is one of the things that must be considered. There are a number of tips or things that can be applied in a…

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Preventive & Predictive Maintenance

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Dalam industri pertambangan dan konstruksi, salah satu bagian terpenting untuk memperlancar proses produksi dan pembangunan adalah alat berat & mesin. Karena itulah mengapa perawatan & pemeliharaan alat berat merupakan hal yang tidak boleh terlewatkan, mengingat mesin merupakan  salah satu faktor terpenting dalam suatu eksistensi perusahaan, oleh karena itu kita harus melakukan maintenance (pemeliharaan). Salah satu…

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How to Improve Asset Uptime

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Based on the industry survey, 70% of equipment failure are self-induced where 40% of them due to human error. The blame can be distributed to various functions; maintenance, engineering, operation, quality & management. Standard Operating Procedure for Operations This is a tough one to complete. Most company only use generic terms to define an activity like…

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