maintenance planner

7 Kesalahan yang Memperpendek Umur Ban Dump Truck

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Saat hauling, Dump Truck biasanya menempuh jarak jauh dari site ke disposal atau port site. Bahkan panjang jalan Hauling batubara di Sumatera Selatan yang dikelola oleh PT Servo Lintas Raya mencapai 113 KM. Dalam proses hauling, kondisi ban Dump Truck sangat penting untuk memastikan muatan sampai sesuai jadwal. Namun, kesalahan sepele atau kurangnya pengetahuan dapat…

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Mencegah Machine Failure dengan Daily Inspection Menggunakan Mobile App

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Mobile device seperti smartphone sudah menjadi barang yang wajib dimiliki oleh mayoritas orang. Ukurannya yang kecil dan banyak aplikasi yang mudah digunakan membuat mobile device sangat powerful. Nah, bagaimana jika mobile device dimanfaatkan untuk mencegah Machine Failure? Pencegahan Machine Failure dengan Daily Inspection Salah satu kiat pencegahan Machine Failure adalah dengan disiplin melakukan Daily Inspection.…

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Why Improper Operation Can Lead to Machine Failure

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Typically, equipment operators are people who have been given in-depth training on operation procedures, troubleshooting, and best practices for safe equipment use depends on the tools they’ll work with. Wait, how if at one fine day, the operator has to operate equipment he never operated before? Chaos? Probably happen! An easy example, imagine there’s main…

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Parts of Hydraulic Excavator

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Good day! You all must have heard of hydraulic excavator!The hydraulic excavator is heavy equipment designed for many purposes, from excavation -of course-, demolition, loading, lifting, scraping, to grading. As other vehicles, the excavator is also divided into several parts. Look at the picture below: If you see the picture above, you’ll see numbers as…

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Good Asset Management and Maintenance Reduce Company Losses

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Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic.Sir Arthur C Clarke All industry have risk management, especially mining industry which has many concerns such as worker safety, strict regulations, the reliance on technology, inconsistent raw materials demand, high commodity prices, and bad asset management. With all those potential risks, the mining industry must have a…

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Maintenance Planner : What and How?

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“If you don’t understand how to run an efficient operation, new machinery will just give you new problems of operation and maintenance. The sure way to increase productivity is to better administrate man and machine.”W. Edwards Deming Heavy equipment plays a vital role in various jobs. So that heavy equipment remains reliable, it requires regular…

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