Posts Tagged :

mining company

Good Asset Management and Maintenance Reduce Company Losses

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Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic.Sir Arthur C Clarke All industry have risk management, especially mining industry which has many concerns such as worker safety, strict regulations, the reliance on technology, inconsistent raw materials demand, high commodity prices, and bad asset management. With all those potential risks, the mining industry must have a…

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Excavators are heavy equipment that are widely used for the purpose of transporting or digging material or other constructive activities. The Heavy Equipment System used in the Excavator itself is a hydraulic system, where the main driving force is a diesel engine. This diesel engine functions to convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy obtained from…

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“Safety doesn’t happen by accident.“Anonymous.

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TOP 10 Mining Accidents

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“Mining is a dangerous profession. There’s no way to make a mine completely safe: These are the words owners have always used to excuse needless deaths and the words miners use to prepare for them.”Tawni O’Dell 1 – Honkeiko Colliery, China (April 26, 1942) China has arguably the worst mining record of any country with…

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Top 10 Worldwide Mining Event in 2019

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TOP 10 Worldwide Mining Event Mining event is one of a trend for miners. Some kind of benefits for miners are : Hear from and meet key government regulators both domestic and internationalShare ideas with key mining project developers on sustainable mine developmentBuild relationships with potential JV (Junior Varsity) and offtake partnersMeet with key resource…

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Tips on Treatment Machine Regularly

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Mining and construction are one of the industries globally rely heavily on big machines. Maintenance of large machines must be maintained regularly and carried out checks every day because the machine is one of the important factors in supporting a production process. By caring for machines that can warranty asset readiness and manage operators to…

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Top 10 Perusahaan Kontraktor Indonesia

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Indonesia memiliki banyak perusahaan kontraktor yang menyediakan layanan jasa pembuatan bangunan maupun infrastruktur yang menjadi urutan ke-62 dari 140 negara dalam hal pembangunan infrastruktur. Perusahaan kontraktor terbaik di Indonesia yang memiliki pengalaman dan setifikasi serta bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap rencana pembangunan yang berlangsung. Berikut beberapa perusahaan kontraktor yang terbaik di Indonesia : 1.      PT Adhi…

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Respon Lebih Cepat Dengan Mobile Apps

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Saat ini masih banyak perusahaan yang melakukan proses pelaporan di lapangan secara manual dimana terjadi transaksi tertulis via kertas dalam jumlah besar. Salah satu akibat dari proses manual ini adalah lambatnya penerimaan laporan tersebut dan tertundanya respon dan pengambilan keputusan terhadap suatu proses yang mungkin diantaranya dapat berakibat buruk dalam jangka panjang. Dalam hal proses…

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Permintaan yang Tinggi, Harga Batu Bara Meningkat

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Batu bara adalah salah satu sumber energi di dunia. Batu bara sebagai bahan bakar yang digunakan sejak berabad-abad yang lalu karena batu bara memiliki peranan yang penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia. Sejak awal tahun 1990an, sektor pertambangan batu bara dibuka kembali untuk investasi ke luar negeri, karena Indonesia mengalami peningkatan produksi, ekspor dan penjualan batu…

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3 Trends Mining Company Must Have in 2019

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Sources: Let’s take a look at the numbers behind the trends and how they relate to Process Mining. Digital Transformation – laying the groundwork Most businesses are in a state of constant catch up, trying to move at the speed of consumer adoption, but struggle to get the corporate machine in motion. This status…

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