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Using Mobile Device for Daily Maintenance? Why not?

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One of many keys to keep the optimum condition of your heavy machinery is doing daily inspection. Inspection able you to monitor and ensure that the machine operates properly, which will later relate to the work results and operator safety. The Usual Daily Inspection Typically, inspections are done by checking all parts of the machine…

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Unique Facts of Excavators

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Excavators are the common heavy vehicle used in the construction and mining industries. We can even see excavators in our daily lives, especially when there’s roadwork, building construction, etc. source: But, have you ever heard of these facts of excavators: They come in a variety of sizesExcavators come in a variety of sizes so…

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Parts of Hydraulic Excavator

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Good day! You all must have heard of hydraulic excavator!The hydraulic excavator is heavy equipment designed for many purposes, from excavation -of course-, demolition, loading, lifting, scraping, to grading. As other vehicles, the excavator is also divided into several parts. Look at the picture below: If you see the picture above, you’ll see numbers as…

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Things Need to Know About Coal

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The use of coal as the source of energy began to develop since the European industrial revolution around the 19th century. Coal was used as locomotives and steam engines fuel, making this century the golden age of coal. In Indonesia, coal mines began to operate in Kalimantan in the 18th century. However, the coal mined…

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Minerals and Coal Reference Price in August 2019

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Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Decree has stipulated the August Minerals and Coal Reference Price (HMA & HBA). The coal reference price was set at USD 72.67/metric ton, rose 1 percent compared to last month (USD 71.92/MT). Reference prices for gold, copper, and nickel also increased. The price of gold last month was set at…

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Digitalization in Industries, Yes or No?

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Adopt and change before any major trends or changes.Jack Ma Over time, technology grows more sophisticated and gives impacts on various industries, includes mining, construction, and plantation. From manually operated-heavy machinery to the one which is digitally operated, like Freeport which uses MineGem (Automatic LHD) for the underground mining operations. In addition to being more…

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Coal Prices Rose Slightly in July 2019

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In mid-July 2019, there was an increase in power plant consumption in China since summer which pushed up the use of electricity for air conditioners. It led to an increase in coal prices reaching USD 75,95/metric ton (7/19). However, restrictions on import quotas applied in China since 2017 limits the rose in coal prices. So,…

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Gold Mine in Bukit Prabu Is Going To Be Closed

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The ban on illegal mining activities which is operating in Prabu, Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency has actually been issued since 2010 by HL Wiratmaja, the Central Lombok Regent then. Last year, regent HM Suhaili FT also planned to close the mine site. After reviewing the location on July 22, the Governor of NTB-Zulkiflimansyah claimed,…

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Top 10 – Metals & Mining Companies by Revenue

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The world’s biggest revenue-generating companies are mostly based in Asia and Europe, especially companies dealing with copper, iron ore, and coal. Here are TOP 10 Metal and Mining Companies by revenue in 2018. Glencore Plc ($219.75bn)Glencore is a Switzerland-based diversified natural resources company specializes in metals, minerals, energy products, and agricultural products. The energy products…

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Maintenance Tips for Heavy Machinery

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Heavy machinery is an important asset of mining, construction, and agriculture industries. As we all know, every piece of machinery is expensive. That’s why the company needs to maintain and manage the asset carefully and well to ensure optimal performance while reducing unexpected costs. Here are some maintenance tips for heavy machinery by amtiss :…

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