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5 Natures of Mineral

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Minerals are encountered every day in daily life, from the quartz of watch you wear to gemstones on your jewelry. Minerals are also used in many industries and have been mined out since long time ago. There are many minerals have been discovered, some of them are famous of their unique, size, price, etc. One…

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Silver, the Incredible Metal

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Silver is one of mining products and generally known to make coins, silverware, and jewelry. In fact, silver is used to make many things due to its unique properties. It has the best thermal and electrical conductor among all metals. It is also have good corrosion and oxidation resistant. The best part : silver is…

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Meaning of Safety Helmet’s Color

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As the name implies, safety helmet is used to keep the user’s safety from falling objects. The helmet was officially developed in 1912 by Worker’s Incident Insurance Institute of Bohemian Kingdom. There are two types of safety helmet : helmet equipped with flashlight and wide edges (used by underground or tunnel workers) and helmet without…

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5 Ways to Create an Environmentally Friendly Mining Area

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1. Closing illegal and unregulated mines In context with enforcing regulations and maintaining steadfast legislation regarding a mine’s behavior and processes, the strict and swift closing of illegal or unregulated mining activity will set an environmental precedent within the industry. For example, before 2010, most mines in China were completely unregulated when it came to…

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Facts of Uranium

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Uranium is one of the most expensive mining product in the world. Uranium, with symbol U and atomic number 92 in periodic table, is a radioactive element which has unstable isotopes. It occurs naturally in low concentrations of a few parts per million in soil, rock and water. Without delaying any further, here are 10 facts of…

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10 Rarest Gemstones in The World

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The rarer an item is, the more exclusivity it holds. Here is the 10 rarest gemstones in the world : Painite Painite is the rarest mineral which only two crystals were known to exist for decades. It was first found in Myanmar by British mineralogist and gem dealer Arthur C.D. Pain in 1950s. It is…

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Why Asset Maintenance Management is Important?

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The unstable price of mining products, such as coal in 2017, as well as the rising costs for operations make mining companies have to think of the most effective and efficient strategy to survive. One of them is having efficient cost management. By maximize the use of assets, the costs for repair or renew asset…

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Unique Facts of Mining (1)

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Gold and copper were the 1st metals to be discovered during Primitive Period around 5,000 BC Archeologists have found copper drain pipes from 3,500 BC that are still in good condition Au is chemical symbol of gold, comes from Latin “aurum” which means shining dawn Petroleum is used to make over 6,000 items : ink,…

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Cobwebs Construction

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Katama Suryabumi Corporation which is engaged in technological innovation of construction and agribusiness, has developed and has being the holder of new technology patent in field of design, one of which is the system of Cobwebs Construction (CC). The system incorporates a flat plate concrete foundation system with the soil improvement system which makes it…

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Hydraulic Fracturing

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Hydraulic Fracturing, also called hydro fracturing, hydro fracking, fracking, or fraccing is a technique of oil mining. It was tested for the first time in 1947 and success to be applied commercially in the next 3 years. In 2012, there were 2.5 billion oil mining using hydraulic fracturing around the world.   Basically, this technique…

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