Yearly Archives :


Goodbye 2020…

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It’s safe to say that 2020 has been an unexpected year for all of us. With the myriad of challenges we’ve experienced this year, we’ve fought a battle against many fronts, most notably the health pandemic and all its side-effects. It feels like we’ve lived five years instead of one. Therefore, this situation forces us…

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Equipment Operator should also has knowledge in Maintenance Processes

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Equipment operators should know more than just start and run the machine! They should have a very good knowledge about their equipment maintenance process & problems. In order to achieve this, you need to make sure that Operator Training is part of your Preventive maintenance program. Here are the reasons: Operator is the frontline reporter…

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4 Tips for Successfully Implementing SaaS in Your Company

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SaaS can be difficult to implement, however, it should be seen as an investment rather than a project. Using a SaaS software can massively benefit your company (as we addressed in one of our previous blogs). However, the implementation stage may be challenging. Highlighted below are 4 tips for successfully implementing SaaS within your company.…

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4 Tips for Heavy Equipment Maintenance

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Maintaining heavy equipment can be a challenge. There are various tasks to complete in order to keep your machines in good condition. Amtiss SaaS helps you standardize the process and helps you track your maintenance schedule! A standardized process is highly beneficial to ensure the machinery is being maintained in the right manner.  The 4…

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4 Main Benefits of Using Saas for Heavy Equipment Maintenance

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Heavy equipment maintenance can be time-consuming and repetitive for workers and managers. An easy way to change this is by going digital with amtiss SaaS! SaaS, short for Software as a Service, is extremely beneficial for companies (including those with heavy equipment) looking to digitalize their maintenance process.  The 4 main benefits of using SaaS…

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7 Tantangan yang Dihadapi Perusahaan Rental Alat Berat dan Solusinya

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Rental alat berat merupakan salah satu trend yang populer dilakukan baik di industri pertambangan atau konstruksi di seluruh dunia. Rental alat berat menghemat modal, meningkatkan fleksibilitas, dan membebaskan perusahaan dari biaya dan kompleksitas yang biasa dihadapi, terutama dalam hal maintenance. Itulah mengapa jumlah perusahaan yang bergerak di industri rental alat berat semakin banyak selama beberapa…

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Mengapa Preventive Maintenance itu Penting?

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Alasan, Langkah, dan Cara menerapkan Preventive Maintenance untuk Alat Berat Anda.

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Alasan Pentingnya Location Tracker untuk Perusahaan Pertambangan

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Location Tracker alat berat  merupakan alat pemantau kendaraan yang memiliki banyak manfaat karena bisa digunakan di semua jenis alat berat termasuk Dump Trucks, Excavator, Dozer, Vibro dan alat berat lainnya. Location Tracker sangat penting untuk dipasang pada alat berat karena seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa perusahaan alat berat akan menentukan harga sewa alat berat tersebut…

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Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Bahan Bakar

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Aktivitas utama dalam industri pertambangan biasanya didominasi oleh load dan haul operations dimana kedua operasi tersebut mengandalkan dump truck dan excavator sebagai alat berat utamanya. Kedua aktivitas tersebut merupakan aktivitas yang paling tinggi dalam biaya operasi yang biasanya diambil dari jumlah pemakaian solar (fuel) dan maintenance untuk ban (tyre). Menurut Professor Bozorgebrahimi dari University of…

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Revolusi tambang dengan automasi

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Industri pertambangan termasuk bisnis yang sangat kompleks, proses operasionalnya sangat intensif, beresiko tinggi dan berada pada lingkungan yang penuh tantangan alam dengan sumber daya yang serba terbatas. Manusia & Alat BeratDua hal ini jadi faktor paling kritikal. Kondisi kerja yang keras untuk keselamatan pekerja & proses perawatan alat berat yang optimal untuk menekan biaya akibat…

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