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Facilitate Improvement in Team and Productivity Using amtiss

1024 645 piyanieta

It takes two flints to make a fire.Louisa May Alcott Illustration: teamwork on site Yes, reaching a big goal requires a team or more. As working in the mining or construction field, the company needs enough “teams” to be deployed starting from the equipment, operators, mechanics, admins, etc. Each team needs to collaborate with each…

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Monitor & Manage Equipment At Ease Using Digital System

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Data is needed when tracking the productivity of a project. For example, in a mining project, it requires all data related to heavy equipment, operators, and activities in order to measure the performance and make better decisions in the future. However, gathering all data is not an easy task. Especially if your company has hundreds…

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Why Improper Operation Can Lead to Machine Failure

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Typically, equipment operators are people who have been given in-depth training on operation procedures, troubleshooting, and best practices for safe equipment use depends on the tools they’ll work with. Wait, how if at one fine day, the operator has to operate equipment he never operated before? Chaos? Probably happen! An easy example, imagine there’s main…

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Expert Said #6 Risono: “Indonesia Menuju Negara Industri Berbasis Tambang”

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Sources: Antam Resourcindo / Penambangan Nikel di Pulau Gag, Papua Barat Semenjak keran ekspor Nikel dibuka lagi, Risono mengatakan industri tambang Nikel marak lagi. Namun dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis, Risono yang pernah menjabat sebagai VP of Operations PT Antam Tbk dan kini mempimpin anak perusahaannya, PT Gag Nikel sebagai Presiden Direktur, semakin menunjukkan performa kepemimpinannya.…

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Pekerjaan di Lapangan Mudah Dilaporkan dan Cepat Responnya

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Dalam kegiatan operasional di lapangan ada beberapa hal yang dapat menghambat kegiatan produksi secara langsung. Salah satunya adalah kerusakan alat yang digunakan. Hal ini sebenarnya dapat dihindari dengan pemeliharaan secara berkala dan pengecekan kondisi alat setiap hari sehingga bisa mendeteksi sejak dini kemungkinan kerusakan alat. Namun hal tersebut belum bisa efisien, jika sistem pelaporannya masih…

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How to Reclaiming Efficiency and Lowering Costs in Mining

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Here are some strategies to consider, from Deloitte’s “Mining spotlight on sliding productivity and spiraling costs.” Strengthen Mine Planning To improve sector productivity, companies can: Refocus on high-quality production by increasing cut off grades. Reduce capital expenditures in properties with lower production potential and shorter mine lives. Consider the benefits (and potential risks) of reducing…

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Memangkas Biaya Operasional dengan Transformasi Digital

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Setiap laporan pekerjaan akan digunakan sebagai bahan analisa manajemen untuk mengambil keputusan. Sehingga data yang didapat akan menentukan keputusan apa yang akan diambil oleh manajemen. Hal tersebut menuntut setiap laporan harus menghasilkan data yang dapat diuji validitasnya. Dalam bekerja di lapangan, masih menjadi tantangan mengenai bagaimana melaporkan data yang akurat dan cepat dengan keterbatasan fasilitas…

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Do you know? What is the meaning of the different colour of safety helmet?

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Head injury accident is one kind of the major occupational accidents, particularly in the construction industry. Every year many workers injured or are even killed as a result of head injury. The main risks of head injury in the workplaces are as follows: where there is a possibility that a worker may be struck on…

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Safe operating procedures for Heavy equipment! (Part 3)

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The last part of safe operating procedures for heavy equipment is refueling & parking. It is the easy part, but sometimes this easy part is the part that most cases of accidents. Refueling Shut off and cool the engine and any electrical equipment before fueling. Ensure the fueling area is well ventilated. Do not smoke…

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Safe operating procedures for Heavy equipment! (Part 2)

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Understand and follow safe operating procedures for use of heavy equipment, to prevent injury. Machine Maintenance Ensure the cab area is clean and free of debris and tools. Clean windshield, mirrors and lights. Removal all oil, grease or mud and snow from grab irons, hand rails, steps, pedals and floor to prevent slips and falls.…

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